Spring is here! The air is crisp and refreshing and the sun is starting to greet us! We love the transition from winter to spring - the daily temperatures are rising, the buds on the trees are unfolding and the birds are coming back to sing their songs. Life tends to hit pause for the harsh winter, but now everything seems to dance and smile once again. With spring bringing positive energy, this is a great time to turn that energy into being productive around the home. Brush those wintery cobwebs away ready for the spring clean!


Here are some tips for preparing for your home spring clean:



Tip 1:  Make a plan:

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Shake of that sluggish winter feeling and start to pull an action plan together. Decide which areas of your home need the most attention and create a schedule to tackle them one by one. If you find this task daunting, then start simple - one drawer or one cupboard first! Remember "Each marathon begins with a single step"



Tip 2:  Declutter:

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Before you start cleaning, get rid of any items you no longer need or use. Maybe you have collected too many items over the winter months or had duplicates from Christmas time. Be strict with yourself - is that item useful? Is it sentimental? Does it bring you joy? Would you buy it again?




Tip 3:  Organize:

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The fun part! Create a designated place for each item in your home to keep things tidy and make cleaning easier in the future. Try to group items into categories (i.e sport / per person / work / kitchen etc). Maximising each of your storage areas is really important too. Think about dividing the space out with containers or baskets. There is so much inspiration for organisation containers and dividers.  One of our kitchen favourites has to be the jars from Paper & Ink. . Not only asthetically pleasing but super organised too!!



Tip 4:  Gather supplies:

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Stock up on cleaning supplies such as gloves, sponges, and cleaning solutions. As you clear items, organise and declutter, clean each space as you go along. For example, if you clear a cupboard out clean the surfaces before putting everything back. Not only is that space organised, it smells fresh too!



Tip 5: Fresh flowers:

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It is Spring after all! Finish off your hard work by placing some fresh flowers in a vase onto the coffee table or kitchen island.